Today is Sunday. Nick wears his new T-shirt and his white shoes. He has a trip to the zoo. The zoo is open from Tuesday to Sunday. After breakfast,he says goodbye to his mother and takes a bus to the zoo. He gets there at 9: 00 and meets with his classmates at the gate of the zoo. Each of them can spend 10yuan to go into the zoo. There are different kinds of animals in the zoo. Time goes fast. It's 11:30. Then they have lunch together in the zoo. All the children have a good time.

(   ) 1. Today is        

   A. sunny   B. cloudy   C. Sunday   D. windy

(   ) 2. Nick has a trip to the zoo         .

   A. by himself   B. with his parents

   C. with his classmates   D. with his best friends

(   ) 3. Where do they meet?

   A. At the bus stop.

   B. At the gate of Nick's school.

   C. At the gate of the zoo.

   D. At Nick's.

(   ) 4. What is the price of the zoo ticket (動(dòng)物園門(mén)票) for a student?

   A. 5yuan. B. 10yuan. C. 6yuan. D. 8yuan.

(   ) 5. Where do they have lunch?

   A. At home. B. At school.

   C. In the zoo. D. We don't know.


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

1. Your best chance of success is by doing what you really want to do. Ask yourself, "If money were not so important, what kind of work would I do for free?" Then just do what you like to do.

A. Think big

2. Think about what you are going to do. You have to start somewhere and it may be quite a small beginning. Whether you are beginning in business or you're dreaming to be a star, you have to start at the bottom.

B. Start from small thing's

3. Great goal is necessary. An English student called Richard Branson opened a student magazine when he was only 16 years old. But he didn't stop there. He also opened a record business with many shops, and now his company has planes? trains and car.s.

C. Follow the leaders

4. The only people who succeed without hard work are lottery(彩票)winners. You need a "can do" attitude and you must work step by step, which will help you get what you really want.

D. Find the work you love

  5. Maybe you always say someone is successful, but it doesn't mean an     ything to you. Learn from those who have already succeeded in something.

E. Be prepared to work hard


1.        2.        3.        4.        5.        


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

  "What is success?" Mr. Gruber asked his 6th grade business class. It was his opening question for the first class of the term.

  "Success is riding in a sweet car,watching an 80-inch TV,and living in a place with at least twelve rooms," one student answered,earning laughs from all the students.

  Mr. Gruber smiled,but shook his head, "Tom,that is excess (過(guò)量的) .That is not success." 

  "How about being able to support your family?" a blonde girl named Sandy in the front suggested as an answer.

  "Now we're getting closer,but try thinking about what you need and what you want."   "Getting everything you want," Tom shouted out an answer again,trying for more laughs. 

  Mr. Gruber sighed, "I believe we've already talked about excess versus (與...相比) success."

  "Getting everything you need,but some of what you want," James,sitting in the back,said aloud.

  "Quite right !" Mr. Gruber clapped. "Success is getting everything you need and some of what you want. The more you get what you want,the more successful you are. You do reach a point where you are living in excess,though."

  "Does this have anything to do with business?" Tom asked. It seemed if the answer wasn't funny,he wouldn't be happy.

  "Well,think about it in this way: The point of business is to make a living to support your family. Once you have properly seen to (確保) their needs,you can then see to getting the extras that you want." 

  "What if I don't have a family?" he continued to be difficult. 

  "Then you have to provide for yourself,a family of one."

  "He has goldfish to think about!" Peter,Tom's friend? shouted out.

  "Then he needs to provide a family of one with a fishbowl," Mr. Gruber corrected himself. Tom nodded,satisfied with that answer.

  "So in the next nine weeks,we're going to study basic business situations,like having a checking account and understanding credit cards."

  Tom rubbed his hands together excitedly and said, "When do we get to start spending?" 

  "You already are,Tom. You're spending time with us!”Mr. Gruber laughed. "Now,let's see what you guys know about credit cards ..."

(   ) 1. What class did Mr. Gruber teach?

   A. History. B. Science. C. Math. D. Business.

(   ) 2. Which student didn't seem to take the class seriously?

   A. Tom. B. James. C. Peter. D. Sandy.

(   ) 3. How did Mr. Gruber make his class lively and interesting?

   A. He himself kept talking. 

    B. He just read from a textbook.

   C. He showed a film to his students. 

    D. He got his students to take part in a discussioa

(   ) 4. What do you think of Mr. Gruber according to the passage?

   A. Strange. B. Patient. C. Shy. D. Proud.

(   ) 5. What is the best title for this passage?

   A. Get what you want       B. Needs and wants

   C. Try to get more money   D. How to live well


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

 There is a supermarket near my home. The people in the s 1 are friendly. On Saturday afternoons,we often go and buy t 2 there. It opens e 3 in the morning. It c 4 late in the evening. You can buy 1 5 of things in the supermarket. You can buy food,clothes,s 6 things and many o 7 things. But there are n 8 English books there.

Now my mother and I are in the supermarket. My mother wants to buy a s 9 for my father and a blouse for me. Then we want to have a d 10 of orange.

1. s       2. t      3. e       4. c       5. 1      

6. s       7. o       8. n       9. s        10. d       


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

  Mr. King and Mrs. King have a son,Nick. They love him very much. Nick is only three years old. He likes asking questions.

One day Mr. King is sitting in a chair. He is reading a book and he has a banana in his hand. He likes to eat one while (當(dāng)...... 時(shí)候) reading. Nick comes in. He asks Mr. King,

  "Daddy,What's that?" Mr,King is interested in the book. He doesn't hear Nick. Nick shakes (搖動(dòng)) his father's leg and asks again. "What's this? Tell me!" "A leg!" says Mr. King.

  Nick goes out and says to Mrs. King, "Mum,I want to eat a leg."

(   ) 1. Mr. King and Mrs. King are Nick's       .

   A. friends   B. teachers   C. classmates   D. parents

(   ) 2. Mr. King likes to eat        while reading.

   A. a banana   B. a book   C. a hand   D. a leg

(   ) 3. There are        people in this story.

   A. two   B. three   C. four   D. five

(   ) 4. Nick asks Mr. King what he is         .

   A. reading   B. shaking   C. eating   D. cooking

(   ) 5. Which of the following is RIGHT?

   A. Nick likes answering questions. B. Nick wants to read the book.

   C. Mrs. King gives Nick a leg. D. Nick wants to eat a banana.


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

  Is this a picture of Mr. Green's family? Yes!The man in the middle is Mr. Green,the father. The woman is the mother. They have a son and a daughter. The son is behind Mr. Green. His name is Jim. He's 14. Kate is Jim's sister. She is 12. Jim and Kate are in the same school. But they are in different grades. Jim is in Grade 3. Kate's in Grade 1.They are good students.

(   ) 1. Mr. and Mrs. Green have        children.

   A. 1   B. 2   C. 3   D. no

(   ) 2. Jim is Kate's         .

   A. classmate   B. friend   C. sister   D. brother

(   ) 3. Jim and Kate are in the same         .

   A. grade   B. class   C. row   D. school

(   ) 4.        name is Jim.

   A. Jim   B. Mrs. Green's daughter

   C. Mr. Green's   D. Mr. Green's sons

(   ) 5. Jim and Kate are         .

   A. fine   B. nice   C. tall   D. good students


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

Star Store Sale























(   ) 6. In all the goods,the        is        (are) the most expensive.

   A. bag   B. shoes   C. hat   D. socks

(   ) 7. Mike wants to buy two pairs of socks,one bag and two hats. How much are they?

   A. Twentyone yuan. B. Nineteen yuan.

   C. Eighteen dollars. D. Nineteen dollars.

(   ) 8. Kathy only likes blue,so she will buy         .

   A. a pair of socks and a bag

   B. a pair of pants and a sweater

   C. a hat and a bag

   D. a pair of shoes and a hat

(   ) 9. The store has hats in         .

   A. all colors   B. blue,white and black

   C. blue and black   D. white and blue

(   ) 10. Susan has twenty dollars,so what can she buy?

   A. Two bags and one T-shirt.

   B. Three hats and two bags.

   C. One sweater and two pairs of socks.

   D. One T-shirt and one bag.


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

  All around the world,people drink tea. But tea does not mean the same thing to everyone. In different countries people have very different ideas about drinking tea.

  In China,for example,tea is always served when people are getting together. The Chinese drink it any time of the day,at homes or in teahouses. They prefer their tea plain,with nothing else in it.

  Tea is also important in Japan. The Japanese have a special way of serving tea called a tea ceremony (儀式) .It is very old and full of meaning. Everything must be done in a special way in the ceremony. There is even a special room for it in the Japanese homes.

  Another teadrinking country is England. In England,the late afternoon is "teatime". Almost everyone has a cup of tea then. The English usually make tea in a teapot and drink it with milk and sugar. They also eat cakes,cookies (甜餅) and little sandwiches at teatime. This is so called "Afternoon Tea" in Britain.

  In the United States people drink tea mostly for breakfast or after meals. Americans usually use tea bags to make their tea. Tea bags are faster and easier than making tea in teapots. In summer,many Americans drink cold tea―"iced tea". Sometimes they drink iced tea from cans (罐) ,like soda(蘇打水) .

(   ) 11. The passage is about         .

   A. why tea is important

   B. the teatime in England

   C. different ways of drinking tea

   D. Chinese tea

(   ) 12. Tea is popular         .

   A. all around the world

   B. only in the United States

   C. only in Englishspeaking countries

   D. in Japan,China and other Asian countries

(   ) 13. The Chinese drink tea         ,

   A. for breakfast   B. when they get together   

    C. only in teahouses   D. in a special ceremony

(   ) 14. The English like to drink their tea         .

   A. in a special room

   B. with dinner

   C. while they eat cakes,cookies and little sandwiches

   D. when they are free

(   ) 15. The word "plain" in this passage means "         " in Chinese.

   A. 樸素的   B. 平坦的

   C. 不含其他東西的   D. 直率的


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

 Henry was an office worker in a big city. He worked very hard and enjoyed traveling in his holidays. He usually went to the seaside,but one year he saw an advertisement in a newspaper. " Enjoy country life. Spend a few weeks at West Hill Farm. Good food. Fresh air. Horse riding. Walking. Fishing. Cheap and interesting."

  "This sounds a good idea," he thought. "I'll spend a month at West Hill Farm. I think I can enjoy horse riding,walking and fishing. They'll make a change from sitting by the seaside and swimming."He wrote to the farmer. In the letter he said that he would like to spend all of July there. Then on the first of July,he left for West Hill Farm.

  But four days later,he returned home.

  "What was wrong with West Hill Farm?" his best friend,Ed, asked him. "Didn't you enjoy country life?"

  "Country life was very good," Henry said. "But there was another problem." "Oh. What?"

  "Well ," he said , " the first day I was there a sheep died,and we had roast mutton for dinner."

  "What's wrong with that?" Ed asked. "Fresh meat is the best."

  "I know,but on the second day a cow died,and we had roast beef for dinner."

  "Lucky you!"

  "You don't understand," Henry said. "On the third day a pig died and we had roast pork for dinner."

  "A different meat every day ," Ed said loudly , " and you are complaining!” "Let me finish," Henry said. "On the fourth day the farmer died,and I didn't dare (敢) stay for dinner!”

(   ) 11. How did Henry find out about the farm?

   A. He saw it in a newspaper advertisement.

   B. His best friend told him.

   C. He wrote to the farmer.

   D. Maybe he learned it from the radio.

(   ) 12. Henry came back home several days later because .

   A. he didn't like the country life at all

   B. the farmer wasn't friendly to him

   C. his holiday was over

   D. he thought he might have to eat the farmer

(   ) 13. "... and you are complaining!" ,the word "complain" means        .

   A. 夸獎(jiǎng)   B. 解釋   C. 抱怨   D. 故弄玄虛

(   ) 14. Which of the following sentences is TRUE?

   A. Ed could eat a different kind of meat every day.

   B. Henry thought he could enjoy a change.

   C. Henry couldn't think of anything else to do,so he went to the farm.

   D. The farmer died because of the bad meat he ate.

(   ) 15. Which is the best title for the passage?

   A. What a beautiful farm! B. Have a good time.

   C. A short holiday   D. Henry and the farmer.

